Author Archive

Bar-B-Que Hunter’s Special

(Venison, Goat, Boar, Bear, etc.) Cut meat 1 to 1 ½ inches thick and across the grain. Add Santa Maria BBQ Salt liberally and place in a bowl with enough cooking oil to cover the meat when pressed. One or two finely chopped garlic cloves mixed in adds zest. Mix 1 cup of garlic wine […]

Bar-B-Que Pork Ribs Recipe

Select about 1 Lb. of spare ribs or ¾ Lb. of country ribs per serving, as lean as possible. Trim excess fat, add Santa Maria BBQ Salt liberally and place over low but long lasting coals. Barbecue until well done but only lightly browned – at least 30 minutes for spare ribs and 40 minutes […]

Bar-B-Que Fish Recipe

Large fish should be cut across the grain about 3/4 inch thick or fillets of smaller fish can be stacked. Add Santa Maria BBQ Salt to each piece of fish and place in a bowl with enough cooking oil to cover the fish when pressed. Over the fish & oil, pour 2 Oz. of lemon […]

Bar-B-Que Beef Recipe

Select a well marbled three to four inch thick steak. Marbled fat in the meat is more important than outside fat. Naturally, the more expensive cuts are the best, but a well marbled chuck steak (roast?) that has started to darken with age is hard to beat. Trim the outside fat to 3/8″, sprinkle liberally […]