Archive for the ‘Sides’ Category

Bar-B-Que Potatoes Recipe

Scrub, dry and heavily butter medium sized potatoes. Place each potato on a piece of aluminum broiling foil sufficiently large to wrap all of the potato at least twice. Add Santa Maria BBQ Salt liberally, wrap firmly and place directly in hot coals for about an hour, turning every 15 minutes. Remove foil & serve […]

Bar-B-Que Bread Recipe

Add 2 Tbs. of Santa Maria BBQ Salt to ½ Lb. of melted butter or margarine and stir for one minute while hot. Dip both sides of one inch thick slices of French or sourdough French bread in the salted butter and toast over coals. Serve hot with your barbecue & dunk in the meat […]

Bar-B-Que Bean Recipe

Clean, wash & drain 2 ½ Lbs. of pinto, pink or black turtle beans. Place in an 8 Qt. kettle with 3 Qts. of water & 5 Tbs. of baking soda. Bring to a boil for 10 minutes, let soak for 10 minutes, drain & rewash. Add 3 Qts. of water and 2 Tbs. of […]