Archive for the ‘Dip Recipes’ Category

Egg Dip Recipe

Soften 8 Oz. of cream cheese with one half cup of mayonnaise, three Tbs. of mustard & two Tsp. of Santa Maria BBQ Salt. Add three finely chopped or grated hard boiled eggs and several shopped green onions or chives. Mix well and serve with crackers.

Vegetable Soup Dip Recipes

Soften 8 Oz. of cream cheese with canned cream of onion, mushroom, celery, etc., soup to a dip consistency (about one half cup). Add one quarter cup of finely chopped matching fresh vegetable and one Tsp. of Santa Maria BBQ Salt. Serve with crackers or chips.

Avocado Dip Recipes

Seed, peel & mash one large ripe avocado. Add two heaping Tbs. of mayonnaise, one Tsp. of lemon juice & one Tsp. of Santa Maria BBQ Salt. Mix well and serve with chips. (Chopped onions optional)